Yeast Detox Calculator

Time to End Excess Yeast

Before you begin, ensure your dog is FULLY TRANSITIONED to your new food. Beginning Yeast Detox before fully transitioning to a gut-approved food can cause gut issues.

During Food Transition, you began starving excess yeast cells. Now let's end them for good. Yeast Detox is a gradual introduction of our MCT-3 Oil: a powerful, unrefined, organic, coconut-based oil that will kill off bad bacteria in your dog's gut while preserving good bacteria.

Powerful: 7x the yeast-killing power (caprylic acid) of normal coconut oil.

Gentle: It will also work to soothe and heal perforations in the stomach lining caused by yeast.

Add, Then Subtract

As we introduce more calories from MCT-3 Oil to your dog’s daily diet, we’ll also need to take away calories from food to make sure there’s no overeating.

Week 1
Day MCT-3 Oil (tsp) Food Subtracted Per Day (cups)
Week 2
Day MCT-3 Oil (tsp) Food Subtracted Per Day (cups)

What to Expect

Most dogs love our MCT-3 Oil. If your dog isn't a fan, let us know and we will share some tips and tricks.

Your dog might get diarrhea. This is to be expected. One to three days of liquid consistency and no solid pieces is okay. 4-5 days? Let us know.

Depending on the age, size, and condition of your dog, your dog's symptoms could get worse before they get better. An email will land in your inbox in the next few days that covers everything you need to know about the Herxheimer Reaction.

We have searched far and wide for the absolute best way to eliminate excess yeast from the gut microbiome. MCT-3 is our answer: a premium product for this critical step in your dog's microbiome journey.

Use only as directed. This stuff is powerful.